Posts tagged with "personal growth"

How Do You Respond In Case Of Conflict?
Mind · 20. March 2024
Identify Your Communication Type For Deeper Understanding: Communicating clearly and to the point helps to improve personal and professional relationships. A first step towards conveying messages effectively and creating a base for a positive interaction environment is ...

Body Awareness: Unlocking Your Physical and Emotional Potential
Body Awareness · 31. March 2023
Body awareness is a gift we can give ourselves. It's about being present in our bodies, listening to our sensations, and understanding what we need to feel our best. By developing body awareness, we can...

How to Express Your Femininity, Sensuality and Intimacy Authentically
Wild Women · 27. March 2023
One-on-One online Consultations are personalized sessions where I to help you to explore and express your femininity, sensuality, and intimacy authentically. We will focus on following aspects to unlock your full potential:

True Love is Transformative
Mind · 07. March 2023
True love is about so much more than just loving someone as they are. It's about transforming each other into the most authentic version of ourselves. When we're with someone who truly loves and accepts us, we feel safe to explore new parts of ourselves and to grow and change in positive ways.

Love – Harmony From Within
Mind · 18. February 2023
Feeling love doesn`t depend on another person. It all starts within us – just by ourselves.

Love - From A Different Perspective
Mind · 17. February 2023
People tend to be consumed by their work, technology, social media and activities that keep them busy. Forgetting that the most precious energy and way to connect is through LOVE.

Intimacy - Getting Close
Mind · 17. February 2023
Building intimate relationships is similar to constructing a house. The base needs to be strong and stable.

Mind · 16. February 2023
Life isn`t eternal sunshine. We all face times of anger, sadness, anxiety and frustrations. The question is how do we respond to those emotions followed by uncomfortable thoughts?

Wild Woman Archetype
Wild Women · 15. February 2023
She is a free spirit led by the heart, living her life purpose.